Natural Gas Meter Reading Handbook

About this Handbook

This handbook is intended to provide a training guide for meter readers and billing personnel with meter reading instructions and digital photos of meters for practice.

This handbook should be utilized by gas managers, meter technicians, meter supervisors, billing supervisors, meter coordinators and any personnel responsible for the correct billing of gas utility customers.

The handbook will provide training for individuals that are going to be employed as meter readers or interested in learning about meter reading to pursue a career as a meter reader, It also includes information on reviewing accounts and will stress safety in meter reading. This handbook will include examples of possible errors that can be caused by the various problems associated with reading gas meters.

Includes AMR information.

The CD can be used for training on a computer or projector.

Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents 4
Introduction 6
Automatic Meter Reading 7
How To Read A Dial Type Meter 8
Difficult To Read Meters 9
Reading The Various Types Of Gas Meters 11
Unusual Operating Conditions 12
Illegal Gas Taps 16
Meter Bypass Valves 17
Meter Reading Safety 18
Meter Reading Map and Door Tags 20
Typical Natural Gas Bill 21
Home Heating Index 22
Calculating Monthly Usage 23
Times To Read A Route 24
Automatic Meter Reading 26
Reviewing Accounts 27
Summary 29
Meter Reading Practice 30
Meter Reading Test 61
Test Answers 63
Back Cover 65