An Introductory Course Copyright 2007
Includes Water Gas and Electric

Public Utilities Meter Reading Guide An Introductory Course Includes Water Gas and Electric

  • New for 2007
  • Great manual to study in preparation for a utility job interview and worth mentioning on a job interview.
  • A great introduction to meter reading.
  • A must have manual for meter readers.
  • Also a great manual for key account clerical personnel.
  • Includes meter reading instructions for gas, water and electric
  • The manual will emphasize safety in meter reading.
  • The manual will provide digital photos for meter reading practice.
  • This handbook includes useful information about reviewing accounts on automatic meter reading installations and the useful tips meter readers will need to know about AMR inspection programs.

Table Of Contents

Reviews 3
Copyright Page 4
Table Of Contents 5
About This Handbook 7
Introduction 8
Automatic Meter Reading 9
The Electric Meter Shop 10
The Water Meter Testing Shop 11
Reading The Various Types of Water Meters 12
How To Read a Dial Type Watt-Hour Meter 19
Difficult to Read Meters 20
Reading Cyclometer Electric Meters 21
Reading KWH Demand Meters 22
Automatic Meter Reading 23
Tampering With Meters and Illegal Service Taps 24
How To Read a Dial Type Gas Meter 25
Difficult To Read Gas Meters 26
Reading The Various Types of Gas Meters 27
Automatic Meter Reading 28
Residential Water Usage Patterns 29
Residential Electric Usage Patterns 30
Typical Utility Bill 31
Reviewing Energy Usage 32

Reviewing Water Usage 33
Reviewing Residential Water Accounts 34
Calculating Usage From Meter Readings 35
Meter Reading Safety 36
Useful Meter Reading Products 37
Meter Reading Maps and Door Tags 38
Confined Space Information 39
Training Around Live Conductors 40
Unusual Meter Reading Problems 41
Reviewing Accounts After AMR Installs 44
Reviewing Water Accounts 45
Automatic Meter Reading Verification 46
Times to Read a Route 48
Automatic Meter Reading 49
Reviewing Accounts 50
Meter Database 51
Summary 52
Water Meter Reading Practice 53
Electric Meter Reading Practice 57
Natural Gas Meter Reading Practice 62
Meter Reading Practice Test 69
Meter Reading Answers 70
Back Cover 71

About The Author:

Virgil Johnson

Having 30 years of generation, meter technology and mentoring experience, Mr. Johnson has developed a productive method to reading meters emphasized with safety precautions.

Mr. Johnson makes recommendations after reviewing the usage history of generation, industrial, commercial and residential meter readings for meter replacement or possible misread meters.